Celebrating Sustainability: 5 Ways to Give Back to the Planet on Earth Day

Celebrating Sustainability: 5 Ways to Give Back to the Planet on Earth Day


Earth Day is quickly approaching, and this eco-friendly holiday is perfect for celebrating sustainability and our beautiful planet. It’s also an opportunity to show our appreciation for the environment and take action to help it thrive. In honor of Earth Day 2021, we’ve put together five ways to give back to the planet that’s given so much to us!

Earth Day is quickly approaching, and this eco-friendly holiday is perfect for celebrating sustainability and our beautiful planet. It’s also an opportunity to show our appreciation for the environment and take action to help it thrive.

Celebrating Sustainability: 5 Ways to Give Back to the Planet on Earth Day

That being said, the key to true change is keeping up sustainable habits once Earth Day has passed. Fostering a sense of harmony between humans and nature takes time and effort. Still, Earth Day is something to celebrate.

In honor of Earth Day 2021, we’ve put together five ways to give back to the planet that’s given so much to us!

Teach Sustainability & Spread Awareness

Here at Reel, we subscribe to the idea that humans are inherently good. We also believe that given accurate information that’s based on science, most people will understand the need to swiftly and decisively combat climate change.

Unfortunately, our society is plagued with misinformation and suffers from a general lack of understanding when it comes to the environmental crisis. But we can change that.

This probably isn’t the first blog you’ve read on Reel Talk — though if it is, we’re glad to have you! — so you’re armed with extensive knowledge on all things sustainability. With such knowledge, comes the responsibility to share it.

Whether you’re shutting down a misinformed monologue or simply dropping some green knowledge into a conversation, you have the power to change someone’s perspective. At the very least, doing so will force them to be more mindful about how they live. Your insight may even inspire them to take eco-friendly action themselves.

Make Earth Day-inspired Crafts

By doing arts and crafts, both kids and adults can let their creativity run free. However, for something to be a true Earth Day craft, it must either serve a sustainable purpose or be built out of upcycled materials — ideally, it’s both.

Giving new purpose to things that would otherwise be thrown away brings with it a sense of refreshing rejuvenation. From upcycled quilts to self-watering planters and from bug hotels to comfy seating, there’s an Earth Day-inspired craft out there for everyone to enjoy!

Register for a Sustainable Event

Although we still live in a world of Zoom rooms, opportunities still exist to hear from some of the world’s foremost sustainable thought-leaders. Whether you attend a major conference or a smaller local function, these events also connect you with people who value sustainability just as much as you do.

Celebrating Sustainability: 5 Ways to Give Back to the Planet on Earth Day

There are plenty of Earth Day events out there providing top-notch education. For example, EarthX’s virtual film festival continues to April 25th and features a different sustainable film every night. Similarly, the California Academy of Sciences offers an event to highlight the needs of the San Francisco Bay Area.

Even if the event doesn’t specifically focus or even take place on Earth Day, signing up “in the name of sustainability” still works. Keep a lookout for future virtual or in-person events that you want to attend!

Use Tree-Free Products

Of course, we’re huge advocates of protecting our forests, so naturally, Earth Day wouldn’t be complete without some tree-free goodness. Celebrate the day with your favorite tree-free products — ours are bamboo toilet paper and recycled paper towels — to have a fun and eco-friendly day!

Additionally, if you’re having an Earth Day party, aim to use bamboo plates, compostable utensils, and tree-free party favors. Doing so brings the traditional energy of a party without the unnecessary waste.

Cook & Eat Sustainably

Most celebrations usually involve some kind of food. If you plan to cook for Earth Day, shop for and prepare the food in a way that positively impacts the planet. For instance, visiting a farmers’ market lets you choose fresh, tasty produce that supports local agriculture and doesn’t pollute the air.

Similarly, using green cookware and composting your food scraps significantly reduces the impact of your celebratory meal.

Practicing Sustainability Every Day of the Year

By now you’ve probably realized that our five Earth Day strategies aren’t all that different from a normal green lifestyle. That’s because it’s not. Sustainability isn’t just something we do once a year on Earth Day. Rather, it’s a continuous journey toward existing in harmony with nature.

So whether you’re upcycling, spreading eco-awareness, or using tree-free products, keep it up after April 22nd, and encourage others to do so as well.

How will you practice sustainability on Earth Day (and every day after)? Leave a comment and let us know!


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