7 Ways to Be Eco-Friendly During Quarantine

7 Ways to Be Eco-Friendly During Quarantine


After more than six months of living — mostly at home — with COVID-19, we’re all bound to go a little stir crazy. Fortunately, there are always new ways to keep yourself busy by going green in quarantine. Here are 7 ways to be eco-friendly during quarantine!

After more than six months of living — mostly at home — with COVID-19, we’re all bound to go a little stir crazy. Fortunately, there are always new ways to keep yourself busy by going green in quarantine.

Planet Earth after being attacked by COVID-19

Whether you’re learning something new about climate change or finding a new green hobby, there are plenty of ways for you to be Earth-conscious during the pandemic.

Here are 7 ways to be eco-friendly during quarantine!

Educate Yourself

During the pandemic, the air has become cleaner and wildlife seems to be making a comeback. Unfortunately, there’s a high risk that the environment will actually be worse off after the pandemic. The potential for more air pollution and greenhouse gas emissions makes this an important time for sustainability.

Now more than ever, we have the time and ability to learn about climate change and the growing environmental crisis. Taking the time to educate yourself and find new ways to be more eco-friendly during quarantine will allow you to protect the planet from the safety of your own home.

Find a Comfortable Living Temperature

A few months ago, we discussed ways to save energy and keep your home cool in the summer. Simple actions can dramatically lower your energy bill and spare the planet. Turning off the lights when you leave a room, unplugging unused electronics, and being mindful of your A/C use are all easy ways to use less energy.

Now that the bulk of the population is at home, more electricity is being directed to residential households. Cutting back on how much electricity you use can save you money and the environment.

Wash Your Hands & Conserve Water

In the midst of this pandemic, people are probably washing their hands more than they ever have before. With more handwashing, though, comes a spike in water consumption. Luckily, there’s an easy way to use less water without losing any cleansing power.

A young girl washing her hands and conserving water

Similar to brushing your teeth, the water does not need to be running while you scrub your hands. All you have to do is turn the water off after you initially wet your hands, scrub thoroughly for 20 seconds, and then turn the water back on to rinse.

Try a New Earth-Friendly Hobby

If you’ve been stuck at home for months, you’re quite possibly bored out of your mind. To combat this boredom, try finding a new hobby that’s fun and eco-friendly.

Gardening, upcycling, and using a green mobile app all offer fun ways to help the environment. Whatever you choose, both you and the planet will get some much-needed TLC.

Stay Away From Single-Use Plastics

With the majority of Americans at home, it’s now easier than ever to get away from single-use plastic products. It’s never been easier to stop using plastic utensils and bottles. All you have to do is grab some reusable silverware or drinkware and wash it afterward.

Moving away from single-use plastics is becoming more and more important. This is especially true because of the vast amount of disposable masks that we can already see hurting the environment. Eliminating single-use plastics will take some of the burden off our planet.

Note: Always be sure to wear your mask (preferably one that can be washed and reused several times).

Cook Tasty, Seasonal Food

These days, indoor dining is limited. As a result, more and more people cook for themselves. Cooking good, seasonal food is one of the tastiest ways to go green in quarantine. Not only is it delicious but it’s also better for you, your wallet, and the environment.

A nice spread of sustainable, in-season foods

That being said, takeout has become incredibly popular as well. If you choose to get takeout, try to choose food that will leave you feeling good and keep any unwanted waste out of the environment.

Practice Self-Care

Practicing self-care is one of the most influential ways to be eco-friendly during quarantine. This is a difficult time for everyone and each of us has to make sure that we’re taking proper care of ourselves.

It's hard to be good to the planet if you feel like crap. Above all, take care of yourself — you can take care of the environment after.

How Will You Make Quarantine Greener?

At times, our situation has seemed bleak and dark. In order to make our world a brighter place, we must also make it a greener one.

By trying these 7 ways to be eco-friendly during quarantine, you can do your part to help the planet as we all work to overcome this virus.

Stay safe and stay healthy.

How are you staying green while in quarantine? Let us know in the comments!


  • I love the toilet paper, it’s easier to use less of it because it does’t smush down. It’s really not soft but it’s also not harsh. I’m glad I started using it.

    Denise Peterson on

  • I have been making masks from scrap fabric and elastic salvaged from old fitted bed sheets.

    Jessica Garrett on

  • My husband and I only wear reusable masks!

    Katia on

  • Like your tp. Paper towels have been shipped and I can’t wait to use them.

    Sonia Liskoski on

  • It has taken hours of research to find eco-friendly products, (days concerning TP before choosing Reel), but I am in awe as to what is out there. Trash bags and other plastic products made from plastic trash literally taken off the beaches of 3rd world countries, solid shampoos, air purifier in a bag that lasts 2 years, food from sustainable farms, etc. The drawback is, every environmentally positive change I’ve made added a good amount of money to my budget. For me, it’s worth it, which is why I drive an old low emission Honda. p.s., if you haven’t already, please consider buying a reusable mask. The pandemic is littering our planet.

    Mark G Diorio on

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